Intl Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 4, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2021 | страница 71

International Journal of Open Educational Resources • Vol . 4 , No . 1 • Spring / Summer 2021
Taking OER to the LIS : Designing and Developing an Open Education Course for Library Science Students
Steven J . Bell Temple University
One often overlooked member of the open education community is the aspiring librarian . Students currently pursuing their Master in Library Science ( MLS ) degree are potential future leaders for a sustainable open education movement . The lack of formal course options in existing library science education programs , for learning about open education , is a potential barrier to an open movement that is inclusive of library science graduate students . This article describes the design , development , and implementation of what is believed to be the first formal , dedicated course in open education librarianship offered by an American Library Association accredited library and information science ( LIS ) program . The nature of the course content , learning outcomes , assignments and student reactions to and reflections of the course are discussed , along with the potential implications for both LIS programs and the open education community . Expanding the number of LIS programs that offer formal open education courses has the potential to contribute to the sustainability of the open education movement through the preparation of a future generation of advocates and leaders .
Keywords : library education ; open education ; open education librarianship
Llevando REA al LIS : diseño y desarrollo de un curso de educación abierta para estudiantes de bibliotecología
Un miembro de la comunidad de educación abierta que a menudo se pasa por alto es el aspirante a bibliotecario . Los estudiantes que actualmente cursan su Maestría en Bibliotecología ( MLS ) son futuros líderes potenciales para un movimiento de educación abierta sostenible . La falta de opciones de cursos formales en los programas
61 doi : 10.18278 / ijoer . 4.1.6