Internet Marketing Guide June 2013 | Page 8

them is not only the polite thing to do but the interaction can take your business to a brand new level .
Tell your fans what to do
If you are targeting a specific country , language or audience then make sure that your post is relevant and specific for them .
Keep in mind that your Facebook page is not trying to reach all 1 billion users . You need to have a specific user in mind and target your posts directly to them . Trying to reach everybody will dilute your message and you won ’ t build up a loyal fan base .
Creating a persona of your ideal customer will help you to do this .
Once you have an idea of your perfect customer , ask questions and create posts with that persona in mind . Start by discussing topics your audience will love .
Your fans are loyal and will follow your instructions . The simpler the instructions the better . If you want your fans to share , comment , like or tell you something , just ask . You will be surprised how many will respond .
Take a look around Facebook and you will see that posts with the most likes and comments are all the ones where the page owner has asked for them . Tell users what you want and your Facebook page will grow – and so will your business .
Target your posts
Imagine you are speaking directly to one person and not to a group , because even though you are speaking to an entire network of people , only one person at a time reads your words .
Talk directly to them by using personal pronouns ( e . g . “ I created this report for you ” or “ would you like to see a photograph of my dog ”) and speak in a relaxed , informal and friendly tone .
Hopefully these ideas will help to breathe new life into your Facebook page . If you start applying these strategies to your Facebook campaign you will soon see you are getting a lot more Facebook traffic and friends and you will have increased your fans engagement with you and your business .
Not only will your status updates will spread and more people will learn more about you and your company but your traffic will increase too .