harder for a marketer or a business owner to overcome the self-doubt that leads may have about themselves or their ability to reach the “ After ” state that your product or service promises to take them to . That ’ s why the best deep-discount offers lead the customer to a “ little victory .”
A “ little victory ” is something that helps inspire your leads and gives them confidence that they can accomplish whatever solution or goal you ’ re offering , as well as the confidence that your product or service will help to get them there . A little victory gives your prospects hope and a taste of achieving the whole thing — of making it to the other side of the tunnel , so to speak . Keep in mind that little victories are usually quick to achieve and help deliver value to your customer .
For instance , if you ’ re in the fitness world , you can offer your seven-day juice cleanse at a deep discount as a deep-discount offer . When describing the offer to potential buyers , you state that completing this juice cleanse is the hardest part of your program — because getting started is often the hardest part . If they can get through your seven-day cleanse , they ’ ll know that the toughest part is behind them .
As you go through your products and services to determine which will make the best deepdiscount offer , ask yourself what little victory this product or service can provide your customers . Brainstorm how it will give them hope , how it will help to get them over the hump of self-doubt . Helping your customers see that success is possible not only for the smiling customers in your testimonials but also for them , personally , will help make your offer more potent and enable you to build positive relationships with your newly acquired customers .
Filling out the deep-discount offer checklist
Previous sections talk about the various forms your deep-discount offers could take and the importance of little victories . Next , look over the five-point deep-discount offer checklist , presented in the following sections , so that you can ensure that your offer can convert leads and prospects into buyers .
Point 1 : Does it lower the barrier to entry ?
To start , your deep-discount offer should be low risk . The offer shouldn ’ t be expensive , time consuming , or difficult to understand . The best offers at this stage are often impulse buys , like the pack of gum you grab while you wait in line at the supermarket . The price of your offer depends on your market . Leads shouldn ’ t have to pause to consider whether they can afford your deep-discount offer ; the price should remove that barrier . Again , the purpose of this offer is not profit . A good rule of thumb is to make these offers at $ 20 or below .
Point 2 : Is the value clear ?
Make your deep-discount offer easy to understand . You want to be able to quickly explain the value and entice the lead into buying . Therefore , your deep-discount offer should not be complex . Impulse buys are not complicated offers .