Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 34
achieves this increased connection is GoDaddy, which allows you to, among other things,
register a domain name for a website as well as host and design one for your business.
GoDaddy uses a low-dollar domain registration offer with a two-year purchase (see
Figure 1-10) to acquire customers and ramp up the commitment level.
FIGURE 1-10: A low-dollar offer from domain registration company GoDaddy.
Step 5: Building excitement
Your marketing should intentionally encourage your customer to use the offer that your
lead or customer accepted in Step 4. The business term for getting your prospect to take
advantage of an offer is customer onboarding. Regardless of whether the conversion in
Step 4 was a commitment of time or money, the relationship with this customer or prospect
has a much greater chance of success if she received value from the transaction.
At DigitalMarketer, we have a community called DigitalMarketer Lab made up of
thousands of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners. Each new
DigitalMarketer Lab member receives an onboarding packet (see Figure 1-11) from our
company through post mail that teaches Lab members how to get the most out of their new
purchase. This packet builds excitement by explaining all the benefits of being a member,
and it shows members exactly how to get started receiving those benefits. By building
excitement and teaching our customers to be successful, we’ve seen dramatically lower
cancellation rates.