Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 33

generating subscribers from webinar registrations. Offline companies might build subscription online by offering aware and engaged prospects the ability to receive physical mail or request a consultative sales call or product demo. But the Holy Grail of lead generation in the digital marketing realm is email subscription. Email is, by far, the cheapest and highest-converting method of moving a prospect through the rest of the stages of this customer journey. We tell you more about email marketing in Chapter 11, but for now, take a look at an example of an effective email marketing campaign from one of the world’s largest furniture retailers, IKEA. IKEA builds social media subscribers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more, but acquiring email subscribers is clearly the focal point of IKEA’s digital marketing efforts. Upon visiting the IKEA website, you’re asked in multiple locations to join IKEA’s email list. Figure 1-9 shows an email opt-in form from the IKEA website. Source: FIGURE 1-9: An email subscription offer from furniture retailer IKEA. Step 4: Increasing conversions At this stage, the goal is to elevate the commitment level of the prospect by asking him or her to give you a small amount of time or money. Low-dollar products or services, webinars, and product demos are all good offers to make during this stage. Up to this point, the relationship with this prospect through the first three stages of the customer journey has been passive. The goal of Stage 4 is not profitability, but rather an increased level of connection between the prospect and your business. One company that