Internet Learning Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 2017/Winter 2018 | Page 40

Internet Learning Journal • Volume 6, Number 2 • Fall 2017/Winter 2018 Access to Information Doesn’t Have to Come with a Pretty Cover and a Price Tag Kate Brannum and Nicole K. Drumhiller American Public University System Abstract This article discusses the motivations, actions, and lessons learned from a project we undertook to transition from textbooks to Open Educational Resources (OERS) in all of the international relations and intelligence studies courses at our online university. While it was not difficult to convince some colleagues of the logic of our arguments, we received some resistance from others who felt the challenges were too great. However, we saw moving to OERs as an opportunity not only to help lower-income students receive the same access to course materials as wealthier classmates but also to teach life-long information literacy skills to all students. The impact of choosing OERs can go beyond the years students are at university. There is a more profound access issue at stake here. We do not know what the financial future of our students will be, but we can be certain that a reasonable number of them will face financial straits at some point. We need to teach and model ways for our students to access knowledge in the most affordable ways possible. Keywords: OERs, textbooks, informational literacy El acceso a la información no tiene que tener ni carátula bonita, ni etiqueta de precio Resumen Este artículo discute las motivaciones, acciones y lecciones aprendidas durante un proyecto que realizamos para la transición de libros de texto a Recursos Educativos Abiertos (OERS) en todas las clases de relaciones internacionales y de estudios de inteligencia en nuestra universidad en línea. Aunque no fue difícil convencer a al- 39 doi: 10.18278/il.6.2.4