JUNE 2019
Taught by Fel Castañeda
It was great to attend Fel’s workshop about IELTS reading.
First, he introduced two kinds of reading strategies: reading
for gist and reading for specificity. The material we used was
a passage about biology. Fel taught us to understand the main
ideas, the arguments of the different paragraphs, as well as the
whole passage in general. This method of reading was very
useful. In the questions that followed the passage, we could
easily find the places where the answers were. Additionally,
we learned different ways to help us deal with unknown
words in the passage, since we don’t have any dictionaries in
the actual exam. We learned not only a good way to guess a
word’s meaning in the IELTS exam, but also a kind of strategy
to learn new words in daily life. I enjoyed this workshop a lot!