International Tutors' Magazine June 2019 | Page 15
JUNE 2019
Left: EdUHK's page on the
iNaturalist website. You can find
information about species found,
individual observations and even
comments by scientists!
Below: Experience EdUHK's
biodiversity! From left to right:
Ruby's white-spotted slug snake,
a bird symphony, and a moth that
hasn't even been given a species
name yet!
environment around us, pay attention its photo, I stayed and observed the snake
to the small creatures and enjoy nature! for around 15 minutes, appreciating
its stunning scale patterns, violet-blue
EdUHK also entered the Hong Kong Inter- iridescence and elegant movement.
University Challenge. Volunteers went
moth hunting around the EdUHK campus At the end of the CNC, EdUHK was
at night, and found species of moths rarely ranked first place in the Inter-University
seen in Hong Kong. We all were so excited challenge, and Hong Kong won second
about it! I myself also walked around the place for most species found out of 159 cities
campus after moth hunting and found a lot worldwide! Some EdUHK entries were
of cute toads and frogs. One lucky night, even noted by experts to contain brand new
I happened upon a tiny white-spotted slug species which are not even named yet! It is
snake! I took a few photos to capture this important that we respect these creatures
beautiful moment. This was the first time we share our home with, and I hope we
I ever saw a wild snake, and after taking continue to discover more about them! v
More information about the City Nature Challenge can be found at, and information about the Hong Kong Inter-University
Challenge at