International Tutors' Magazine April 2019 | Page 16
who can provide us constructive feedback in
order to improve our strengths and correct
our weaknesses. Working on our weaknesses
and fixing them can also help us become
more confident in our overall abilities.
us improve ourselves. Another important
thing is to be confident in your own abilities
and not compare yourself with others. I
have participated in a great deal of Wushu
matches before, and have gotten to know
a lot of competitors, but I never compare
myself with them. When I’m playing
Wushu, I tell myself that I am the best.
Ken: I would also advise junior athletes
not to dwell on lost matches and other
“failures”. We should understand the areas
where we have performed poorly
and learn how to prevent those
Whether we are professional
mistakes in the future. But
athletes or not, Ruby’s and Ken’s
we shouldn’t keep thinking
insights can be understood by
about it and fall under the an important everyone. Professional athletes
control of the negative
experience. train a lot for their competitions,
emotions caused by failures.
but they also show positive
In those times, we should also
mental attitudes and high levels of
remember and praise the areas in which self-confidence, which helps their successes
we’ve performed well in previous matches. just as much. We can apply these ideas
This can help re-develop self-confidence from the world of sports in our everyday
after some less satisfying performance. lives as well. Kim Collins, a runner from
Saint Kitts and Nevis, once advised, “Strive
Ruby: Definitely. We professional athletes for continuous improvement, instead
shouldn’t give up easily when we face of perfection.” As we improve, our self-
obstacles. I think facing obstacles, such confidence is enhanced. We’ll give up less
as injuries, are one of the most important easily when we face obstacles in the future.
lessons and experiences for athletes and help And we get better and closer to our goals. v
Left: Cyrus posing with
Ken and Ruby. Whether
you're a professional athlete,
student athlete, sports lover,
or anyone else, we can all
learn from Ruby's and Ken's