Moscow ' s efforts to conect Belgrade even more with Russia . This effort goes beyond military cooperation and deliveries of the Russian natural gas . It states that Moscow is engaged in ' public diplomacy with a clear Pan-Slavic rhetoric " and has high respect among the Serb population , because of its approach to the Kosovo issue . From this we can confirm that Russia ' s foothold in the Balkan is and remains Serbia . Russia and Serbia are Orthodox countries , and this has affected their traditionally reports giving Russia the role of a '' father ''. Russia historically has imposed huge political influence in Serbia . Moscow strongly supports the Serbian opposition toward the independence of Kosovo using every lobbing tool against its diplomacy and on the other hand , continues to use Kosovo independence to justify its actions in Crimea , in South Ossetia and Abkhazia . Serbia is the only country in Europe that has a free trade agreement with Russia .
Russian - Serbian military relations are also very close . Russia signed an agreement with Serbia to allow Russian soldiers to be deployed at the airport in Nis , which is used by Serbia with the aim of Russia ' s commitment in case of unrest in northern Kosovo 7 . Serbia has the observer status in the Treaty of Collective Security Treaty Organization - Russia and NATO . Serbia and Russia also signed a 15-year military cooperation agreement that includes sharing intelligence , exchange of military officers and joint military exercises .
Besides strong influence , Russia has extended its powerful influence in the economy , infrastructure , electricity , property , tourism and some loans given to the governments of Balkan countries . Russia has offered Serbia billion of funding over the last years . Also , Russia has financed the renovation of the railway networt of hundred of kilometers . Also Russian multinational oil company Lukoil , now owns 79.5 % of Beopetrol local rail services , while Russian gas company Gazprom owns the majority of the main suppliers of gas to the country 8 . In Montenegro , Russia is the main foreign investor , where the Russians already control a third of all companies in the country . The Kremlin also signed energy agreements and fund loans with Republika Srpska , the ethnic Serb entity in Bosnia-Hercegovina . Moska has managed to maintain good diplomatic relations with several local oligarchs , especially in Bulgaria . The entire Russian
The russian risk in Balkan and Kosovars exile ; Rafael Floqi http :// illyriapress . com / rreziku-rus-ne-ballkan-dhemergimi-i-kosovareve /
Putinology and the risk of Russian expasion in Balkan http :// eurospeak . al / speciale / 264-putinologjia-dhe-rreziku-iekspansionit-te-rusise-ne-ballkan