relations between the European Union , America and Russia are changing radically the approach to processes and global challenges . One of the direct encounters with dangerous and between these powers is and remains Balkan .
I . II Rusian influence in the Balkan
Balkan remains an unstable area in Europe . Although security in the region has improved
dramatically since the early ' 90s , ethnic divisions remained open and further went even worst . On the other hand , the region ' s economy has stagnated and the socio-economic welfare of citizens went to the minimum of existence . Political instability of governments and rampant corruption level has caused a large part of young people to lose faith in their countries and to seek fortunes in EU countries or even to wear the military uniform for religious reasons . While the ' rule of law ' is just a term and it is far way from being " Applicable ". All these challenges that can be listed made this part of Europe to be easily vulnerable from Russian manipulation , and all this interior tension Russia is using it especially in some countries in which there are is an uncontested impact . Kremlin after a global offensive , seeks simply to be present in Balkan and in this way to counter the West in his clumsy attempt to integrate Balkan into its protection . Moscow doesn ' t want to eventually extinguish its hope for an exit to the Adriatic . So it tries hard to prevent countries that historically has considered its satellites , to integrate into the EU in particular , into NATO . Russia engages in policy reorientation for these countries .
According to a study by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany , is seen an increasing of Kremlin interest towards the Western Balkan countries , in order to prevent the accession of this region into the European Union , with the hope that these countries will withdraw from the membership , or will be affecting member countries to adopt a resolution in favor of Russia . According to a classified document , there are described the efforts of Moscow , which by pretexts such as military cooperation or supply of gas , is exercising a public diplomacy using a Pan-Slavic rhetoric 5 .
Russia attaches great strategic importance to the Western Balkan , so it is said in a survey of the German Foreign Ministry entitled : '' Russia ' s influence in Serbia '' 6 . This analysis describes
Putinology and the risk of Russian expasion in Balkan http :// eurospeak . al / speciale / 264-putinologjia-dhe-rreziku-iekspansionit-te-rusise-ne-ballkan
The russian risk in Balkan and Kosovars exile ; Rafael Floqi http :// illyriapress . com / rreziku-rus-ne-ballkan-dhemergimi-i-kosovareve /