patron and the father figure for Orthodox Christians in Balkan , a role that Russia as well as the Balkan Orthodox have taken seriously since then 1 .
Russian influence is so great in the Balkan that has become a symbol of grandeur and pride for the glory of the Red Army . An example is Alexander Nevski Cathedral in Sofia , erected in honor of Russian troops , who liberated Bulgaria from the Ottomans in 1870 . The cathedral shows not only the material culture of Russian influence , but also the cultural and spiritual impact , but also other “ ties ”, which are deeply conencted . After the independence of Bulgaria , Russia put forth even more influence in the newly formed Bulgarian state . When Bulgarian Tsar Alexander of Battenberg tried to get independence in decision making by Russian influence , he was forced to leave the country .
In 1900 , Russia helped Serbia revolution to topple the pro-Austrian dynasty and pass this Russian influence in Serbia , which has been more convinced as Bulgaria . Montenegro stayed faithful and loyal to the tsarist Russia , because it covers the financial needs of Montenegrin princes .
Years later , we see again an increase of Russian influence in Balkan . Russia , managed to persuade the Balkan countries ( Slavonic ) in the insurrection during the years 1910-1913 . All this was made to damage even more the Ottoman Empire , which was already possible and simultaneously , with this decrease influence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Balkan , particularly in Bosnia and Albania . Russia , through its Balkan obedient countries , managed to remove from its influential close circle , two main powers which were the two main geostrategic opponents . Balkan Wars , made possible that countries such as Serbia , Montenegro , Greece , Bulgaria and Romania expand their territories at the expense of non-Slavic territories in the Balkan . All this was a victory for the pronounced presence in the Balkan Russia , as undisputed factor .
World War I started with ' the occupation ' Serbia from Russia , as a defense against Austro - Hungarian Empire . After the end of World War I , Russia was not satisfied with its presence in Balkan . On the other hand the Soviet Revolution was seen with suspicion and fear from Balkan countries ( allies ). World War II according the Russian approach , returned the normal flow the Russian influence into Balkan . Russia had managed to indoctrinate the Balkan countries in the
Russia Never Went Away from the Balkans ; Marcus Tanner http :// www . balkaninsight . com / en / article / russianever-went-away-from-the-balkans-01-18-2017