International Studies Review - Issue 19 vol 6 alb | Page 14

Trump ' s arrival at the head of the White House that it was strange as was natural . This is because the global circumstances , terrorism , stagnation of US foreign policy , the continued growth of social-economic grievances and other important factors did he win the race for President of America . President Trump , intends to lead America towards strengthening its internal , as in economic terms , where he puts emphasis mostly . Trump , thinks he built his foreign policy on the basis of partnership , giving way out conflicts of different problems challenges jointly , with the actors involved in them . Trump , in the center of foreign policy is relations with China , fight against terrorism and the possibility of an alignment with Russia " separate " spheres of interest . Obama does not see much concern with the Russian invasion in Ukraine and Crimea as a declaration of the Russian Republic . This is the price Happens Trump decided to pay for Kosovo and thus save American influence in the Balkan , which is being fiercely fought by the Russian through groups , parties , nations that open support of Russian aspirations in Balkan .
Trump , as well as of the early presidents will be forced to part of the foreign policy to this the Balkan , especially in this time . Clinton , Bush and Obama came to power promising that the Balkan will not take large space on their agendas . These are witnesses that precisely president , and here we must emphasize the former Clinton and Bush directly connected to the orientation and redrawing of the geopolitical map of the Balkan . I think that from " trend " can not escape even Trump even this region is not part of willnes of working .
Trump differs from what other presidents mentioned above is the challenge that is making institutions that are in force in the world since the end of the Cold War . Here we must specify NATO , which according to him is an obsolete concept and this may mean that he was in one Alliance is another re-generated , another form of financing , where every one of the members contributes respektushëm empowerment her . NATO in order to successfully face the many dangers that is threaten . Tramp does not ignore the risk of Russian ; he has welcome it 13 .
Will it start the “ leaving of Amerika from Europe in 2017 : Ruben Avxhiu http :// www . gazetadita . al / largimi-ipremtuar-i-amerikes-nga-ballkani-cfare-fati-i-pret-shqiptaret /