International Student Guide Student guide | Page 21

Food Free transport card Getting your free transport card: applications are made online at Click on “Cadastro”. You will need to submit an online copy of your passport, CPF, Federal Police registration, a 3x4cm photo, list of school subjects (Stamped and signed by the Department in charge), proof of address (for the students who live in the campus, present the contract; for students who live in private accommodation, present the contract or a letter from the owner) and a regular student certification. For more information: passe-livre-estudantil.html Buddy Our university offer a special program of buddy (godfather/buddy), to make you fell even more integrated. The buddy are a volunteears students selected that will help you since your arrival at UnB, trying to help you to solve the possible issues that you could have. Informations on: • • • • • • • University restaurant (Restaurante Universitário – RU) offers full meals (beverage included) for. R$ 2.50. Access to see the menu (cardápio). Beijódromo (Memorial Darcy Ribeiro na UnB, next to the rectory). Restaurante da Finatec - self service (L3 – Near to the faculty of Health sciences) Faculdade do Lanche - snacks and meals ( at the end of ICC north). Cantina Chico Mendes - self service (Chico Mendes square, next to the Multiuso) Coisas da Terra: Vegetarian food (at the end of the ICC north - ground level). 21