International Student Guide Student guide | Page 20
Mental health Student card
Free assistance:
- IESB Sul: (61) 3445-4502
- IESB Ceilândia: (61) 3962-4748
- UnB – Centro de Atendimento e Estudos Psicológicos -
CAEP: (61) 3107-9102
- Universidade Católica de Brasília: (61) 3356-9328
- UniCeub: (61) 3966-1626 The company responsible for confecting the student card stays
in the central library (BCE). You must have the following
documents to require your student card:
• copy of id card
• enrollment proof
• pay a fee of R $ 25,0
The company stays there every beginning of the semester.
English subjects
Free transport card
Music appreciation – class B - Tuesday and Thursday, from
16:00 to 17:50.
• History of music 2 – class B –Friday , from 19:00 to 20:40.
- Prof. Flávia Narita - [email protected]
• Brazilian Politics, Economy, and Foreing Policy Agenda –
class A – Monday and Wednesday, from 18:00 to 19:50.
- Prof. Eiiti Sato
UnB students can apply for a free transportation card (Cartão
Passe Livre Estudantil). Student must live at least 2 kilometers
from the UnB and only use the free transportation service to
go to the university.