TEACHING and learning .
Our goal is to give you the knowledge and skills to become a strong-minded and freethinking graduate . We do that by providing a range of learning experiences so you get the most from your time with us .
Experience carefully blended types of teaching – from face-to-face classes and large lectures to interactive online content – that will help you to prepare for the workplace Great opportunities like international exchanges , work placements and live projects with global brands and companies will help you build new skills Extensive digital resources and access to simulation facilities to create rich environments Be part of an inclusive and highly supportive learning environment We will help you develop into a truly independent thinker and challenge you to grow and succeed
Teaching excellence
Our outstanding teaching will help you get ready for the next stage in your life .
Lecturers are experts , and often pioneers in their fields , which means you will learn from people who are at the forefront of your chosen subject The curriculum is informed by world-leading research , so you can explore the latest theories , test new ideas and even contribute to new discoveries Many of our learning environments simulate workplaces – from our replica courtroom to our industry-standard newsroom , Professional Interpreter Suite , and our Bloomberg Suite which features the same analytics software used by City traders – ensuring you graduate ready for your new career
Impact in the community
Some courses allow you to work with the local community – putting your learning into practice and making a difference in Portsmouth .
Student dental teams provide treatment to NHS patients in our Dental Academy Law students provide free legal advice to members of the community in our law clinics Sport and exercise science students run coaching courses in local schools Students in our Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries engage with a wide range of charities and community partners
Careers advice
For five years after you graduate , you will have access to our Careers and Employability Service . They offer free help with everything you need for planning your career . From advice on securing work experience and volunteering , to part-time job opportunities and even starting your own business . They even have their own recruitment team to help source graduate roles and arrange interviews for you to help you get your dream job .
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