International Mining August 2024 | Page 52

Automatic recursive calculations that cross domains provide a holistic view of the mine and simulate how decisions in one domain impact domains downstream ; n Explainable data ( auditing and history ): SourceOne enables a contextual view of data that shows details and rationale behind calculations for an efficient validation process ; n Tailored to your needs apps : SourceOne enables approved users to easily create custom applications with rich integration . It provides fast , interactive access to continuously updated analytics showing how decisions in one domain can affect the rest of the domains downstream ; n Advanced Query Language : SourceOne ’ s advanced query engines prepare datasets that become the foundation for training machine-learning models , including forecasting , predictive analysis and reporting . This transforms data into information ready for advanced analytics ; n Generative AI : SourceOne provides context to generative AI . Users can interact with the software through a natural-language interface that has a deep understanding of the client ’ s objectives and data . SourceOne is a knowledge system able to answer openended questions . MST Global ’ s focus on revolutionising mining operations through digitalisation and real-time data insights will be clear for all to see at MINExpo . At the heart of MST Global ’ s Las Vegas presence will be a series of live demonstrations showcasing the capabilities of its enterprise software platform , HELIX . Attendees can expect to experience the “ unparalleled accuracy ” of Ultra-Wideband ( UWB ) technology for real-time tracking of personnel and equipment . This , the company says , translates to enhanced safety , improved situational awareness and optimised workflows .
At MINExpo , MST Global is set to demonstrate advanced UWB technology , focusing particularly on its integration into Komatsu ’ s longwall shearers and continuous miners . This showcase aims to highlight the seamless interoperability of its UWB systems with Komatsu ’ s equipment , emphasising the joint commitment to enhancing safety , increasing operational throughput and ensuring regulatory compliance in the mining industry . UWB technology , crucial for precise , real-time location tracking of personnel and equipment , plays a pivotal role in improving both safety and efficiency , according to the company . It is also part of MST Global ’ s broader commitment to develop Collision Awareness System solutions guided by the EMESRT framework and supports the development of additional technology stacks , aligning with the company ’ s strategic goals of safety innovation and digital transformation .
MST will also be showcasing its HELIX platform at the upcoming event . HELIX is MST ’ s modular Enterprise software . It stands out as the first mining operational platform enabling complex decision making based on real-time operational information collected from various technologies , the company says . Traditionally , these technologies operate in siloes , making it challenging to interpret the data effectively . HELIX combines high-precision personnel and asset tracking , IoT sensor data , machine telemetry and mine production data to provide a comprehensive 360 ° view of the mining process .
HELIX Dispatch will also be showcased , a fleet management solution designed to elevate productivity and efficiency . The company will present and showcase its FMS module for the underground environment , providing an opportunity to enter a different market segment and provide customers with a comprehensive offering . This system leverage ’ s real-time location data to optimise dispatch processes , improve communication and enhance overall operational efficiency .
TALPA and its OEM partners are eager to showcase their digital solutions at MINExpo 2024 , with TALPA highlighting how a unified data analytics platform can significantly benefit miners and equipment manufacturers by maximising machine uptime and productivity .
The data analytics platform developer based in Germany says mining machines are growing increasingly complex and intelligent , yet many operations still rely on diverse equipment lacking essential sensors and robust communication systems .
TALPA ’ s end-to-end solutions capture and analyse high-quality machine data to optimise operations , it says . It has developed an AI model that uses motion signals captured by its proprietary data logging device to work out activities for each machine , independent of engine sensors or GPS signals . This model is similar to those used in mobile phones and smart watches to track users ’ steps and identify their activities .
Initially tested on haul trucks at a site with existing engine data and GPS-based solutions , the model was recently validated in a quarry in Europe , demonstrating over 96 % accuracy in detecting cycles . The inertial motion unit ( IMU )
TALPA says a unified data analytics platform can significantly benefit miners and equipment manufacturers by maximising machine uptime and productivity
embedded in TALPA ’ s data loggers generates data at a resolution of at least 10 Hz , enabling precise activity definitions and visualisations every second , the company explains . This precision allows not only for the detection of major activities , such as haul truck cycles , but also for detailed observations within these cycles , like excess idling at choke points or excavator swings while loading trucks .
TALPA says it is expanding this approach to various other sites and machine applications . The current testing includes : n Detecting idling times of haul trucks under different conditions ; n Counting the real hammering time of hydraulic breakers instead of relying on engine hours ; n Calculating LHD cycles in mines with limited communication ; and n Detecting percussion time of underground drill rigs . Once developed and validated , these models will be incorporated into TALPA ’ s product portfolio .
“ Offered entirely as a service , including all necessary hardware , unlimited user accounts and advanced analytics capabilities , this solution can seamlessly integrate with existing systems for enhanced long-term analytics or function as a standalone system ,” it says .
At MINExpo Immersive Technologies says it will demonstrate proven and tested solutions as well as unveil significant technology advancements to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of workforce training .
The showcased solutions ( People + Process + Technology ) are optimised for specific mining applications including surface , underground , manned and autonomous operations . The solutions fulfil requirements across multiple mining job roles including : n Advanced equipment simulation – training for
50 International Mining | AUGUST 2024