International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 41

The Jihadist Movement and Hirak in Algeria
International Journal on Criminology • Volume 8 , Number 1 • Winter 2020 / 2021
The Jihadist Movement and Hirak in Algeria
Djallil Lounas
Professor of International Relations at al Akhawayn University , Ifrane , Morocco . Author of La mouvance Djihadiste en Afrique duNord-Sahel : d ' AQMI à Daech L ' Harmattan - Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
On May 31 , 2019 , Abu Obeida Youssef al-Annabi , spokesman for Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb ( AQIM ), the only jihadist organization still active in Algeria , spoke in a rare public interview about the popular protest in Algeria called Hirak ( the movement in Arabic ). In this interview , AQIM clearly gave his support to this movement , which is democratic and peaceful , explaining that “ Jihad can take many forms .” Against the grain , Al Qaeda ’ s rival , the Islamic State ( IS ), through its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , had welcomed the Hirak , while regretting that the people did not choose the path of jihad and that the tyrant ( editor ’ s note : Bouteflika ) had been replaced by another tyrant .
We therefore argue that this Hirak does not constitute , at least in the short and medium term for AQIM , an organization that has been virtually eradicated in Algeria , or any other terrorist organization , an opportunity for resurgence .
Keywords : AQIM , Hirak , Algeria , Terrorism , Al-Qaida , ISIS
El movimiento yihadista e hirak en Argelia
El 31 de mayo de 2019 , Abu Obeida Youssef al-Annabi , portavoz de Al-Qaida en el Magreb Islámico ( AQMI ), la única organización yihadista aún activa en Argelia , habló en una rara entrevista pública sobre la protesta popular en Argelia llamada Hirak ( el movimiento en árabe ). En esta entrevista , AQMI claramente dio su apoyo a este movimiento , que es democrático y pacífico , explicando que “ la yihad puede tomar muchas formas ”. Contra la corriente , el rival de Al Qaeda , el Estado Islámico ( EI ), a través de su líder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , había dado la bienvenida al Hirak , aunque lamentaba que el pueblo no eligiera el camino de la yihad y que el tirano ( nota del editor : Bouteflika ) había sido reemplazado por otro tirano .
35 doi : 10.18278 / ijc . 8.1.5