International Journal on Criminology Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 2018/Spring 2019 | страница 19

International Journal on Criminology Palabras clave: legalización, cannabis, Estados Unidos, Uruguay, hallazgos iniciales 美国和乌拉圭大麻合法化 : 初期结果 摘要 大麻产业的收入在经济收入和税收中所占份额依旧不多。此外 , 现有数据并未将改革对社会造成的长期成本作为整体进行考虑 , 这是因为长期成本不包括例如车祸、住院治疗和生产力降低等不良效果。在有关改革成本和利益的全面评价得以实施之前 , 还需要几年时间。 关键词 : 合法化 , 大麻 , 美国 , 乌拉圭 , 初期结果 Following in the footsteps of Colorado, Washington State, and Uruguay, an increasing number of states in the USA 2 and countries around the world are changing the legal status of cannabis. The first data on these developments is now available, and can be used to provide an initial progress report on cannabis legalization. While this Sécurité Globale special report focuses on the initial impact that cannabis legalization has had on crime and delinquency in Colorado and Uruguay, the aim of this introduction is to present a brief overview of the preliminary results in terms of consumption and public health, as well as the economic repercussions. This data was collected for the Cannalex project, the result of a collaboration between the French National Institute for Advanced Studies in Security and Justice (Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice, INHESJ) and the French Observatory for Drugs and Addiction (Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies, OFDT) with financial support from France’s High Council for Strategic Education and Research (Conseil supérieur pour la formation et la recherche stratégique, CSFRS). The aim of this study, which was embarked upon at the same time as these cannabis reforms were implemented (between 2015 and 2017), was to give a synopsis—strengthened in particular by encounters in the field with both government 2 Ivana Obradovic, Actualité de la régulation du cannabis aux États-Unis (OFDT, 2017). Available at: 16