International Journal on Criminology Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2014 | Página 23

The Behavioral Intelligence Paradigm in Fighting Cyber-Crime Erasing traces of presence, or traces of intrusion, has been long mastered by the hacking community, leading to the conclusion that diplomatic efforts are geared toward resolving an issue that has lost its technological pertinence before 2007. Understanding the social psychology of threats development is becoming critical, as we are entering a pioneering period that strangely resembles the “phreaking” years of hacking (1972–1987). The improved portability of machine learning (embarked, distributed, or fully autonomous) is curiously absent from most national strategies’ assumptions. This may be driven by the transposition of the principles of military capabilities escalation (weapons race, concentration, and decisive capacities) to the tackling of cyber-criminality. Cybernetic offensive capabilities do not respond to traditional escalation and reinforcement models. They derive their malevolent capabilities from their transformational nature, their distributed deployment, and their superior and autonomous learning. Cyberwar.” In Automatisierung und Digitalisierung des Krieges, eds. R. Schmidt- Radefeldt, and C. Meissler. Berlin: Forum Innere Führung. Rubinstein, B. I.P., B.Nelson, L. Huang, A.D. Joseph, S.-H. Lau, S. Rao, N. Taft, and J.D. Tygar. 2009. “ANTIDOTE: Understanding and Defending against Poisoning of Anomaly Detectors”, IMC ’09: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGCOMM on Internet Measurement Conference, Chicago, IL, 1-14. Sterling, B. 1994. "Part Three: Law and Order". The Hacker Crackdown: Law And Disorder On The Electronic Frontier. New York: Bantam Books. Stoll, C. 1988. “Stalking the Wily Hacker.” Communications of the ACM 31 (5): 484- 500. Stoll, C. 1989. The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage. New-York: DoubleBay. References Barreno, M., P.L. Bartlett, F.J. Chi, A.D. Joseph, B. Nelson, B.I.P. Rubinstein, U. Saini, and J.D. Tygar. 2008. “Open Problems in the Security of Learning”, First ACM Workshop on Security and Artificial Intelligence (AISec), , Alexandria, Virginia, 19-26 Baumard, P. 1994. “From Information Warfare to Knowledge Warfare.” In Information Warfare, ed. W. Schwartau. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 611-626 Bodmer, Kilger, Carpenter, and Jones. 2012. Reverse Deception: Organized Cyber Threat Counter-Exploitation. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Osborne Media. Gaycken, S. 2012. “Die sieben Plagen des 21