The abbrev at on stands for ' The European Un on nformat on agency for occupat onal safety and health '.
EU-OSHA was established in 1994 .
It can be surprising , but they produce funny short series of “ NAPO ” films . Napo is the main character who encounters safety risks at the workplace and provides with necessary solutions to tackle them .
COVID-19 : Resources for the workplace
Ageing & OSH
Dangerous substances
ICT / digitalisation
Leadership & worker participation
Musculoskeletal disorders
Stress & psychosocial risks
Women & OSH
Work-related diseases
Young people & OSH
The underlying goal for EU- OSHA is to make European workplaces safer , healthier and more productive for business , employee and government as well .
This goal leads to a culture of risk prevention while altering working conditions for the better in Europe .
EU-OSHA reports that 18- to 24-year-olds are more likely to have a serious accident at work than older adults .
The organisation also seeks to start teaching pupils about safety and health as they learn to read and write so that it becomes a natural part of how they work , play and live .
They put their efforts on what can be done at workplaces in practice to help tackle this pandemic and protect employees .
This research has been done by the Lithuanian team . Source : text and photos from its official website