International Health Organizations Erasmus+ Game On Project | Page 7

The abbrev at on stands for ' the European Centre For D sease Prevent on And Control '.

Founder : Zsuzsanna Jakab
Year of Foundation : 28 September 2004
General Center : Solna , Sweden
Combating Epidemics
Producing vaccines
Support the European Commission and the Member States in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals in the area of HIV , TB and hepatitis
Tackle antimicrobial resistance .
Improve vaccine coverage in the EU Support the European Commission and the Member States in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals in the area of HIV , TB and hepatitis .
Further support the European Commission and the Member States in strengthening the preparedness for crossborder health threats
This research has been done by the North Macedonian team . Source : text and photos from its official website
W E B S I T E W W W . E C D C . E U R O P A . E U