International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #1 | Page 25

living Accomplish Your Resolutions with 3 Tools by Crissy Butts Happiness Coach » Author/Speaker » Family Team-Building Educator » A nother year! I love new beginnings!!! The new year makes me giddy with all the quests I map out to defeat. Accomplishing my goals makes me HAPPY! HAPPY!! HAPPY!!! How will you make 2017 resolutions more successful than those you penned in 2016? Did you check off your top 3, or 5, or 10 resolutions from last year, or even remember what they were? What measuring sticks do you have in place to guarantee your success? Accomplish Your Resolutions with these 3 tools! 1) WRITE A 2017 PERSONAL VISION STATEMENT (This is different from a Personal Life Mission Statement) Your 2017 Personal Vision Statement is a powerful compass! Take a personal inventory of your core values, talents, and your life’s ambitions. Write a simple paragraph that wraps it all together. Read your 2017 Personal Vision Statement several times each week. I’m a pretty open, honest and forthright person, you can read mine at my website: 2) CREATE & CALENDER YOUR TOP 10 GOALS Now that you have your 2017 Personal Vision Statement, create 10 measurable, realistic goals that incorporate your vision. Use these categories (or others) and place them in order of most importance: 1) Mind 2) Body 3) Spirit 4) Relationships 5) Finance The area that is #1 in importance, create 3 measurable, realistic goals. The area that is #2 in importance, create 2 measurable, realistic goals. The area that is #3 in importance, create 2 measurable, realistic goals. The area that is #4 in importance, create 2 measurable, realistic goals. The area that is #5 in importance, create 1 measurable, realistic goal. Example: Relationships 1) Family: Each day, express my love to at least three family members. 2) Friends/Neighbors/Strangers: Take interest in others — Make eye contact, smile, or say hello to everyone I meet. Ask about them. 3) Clients: Express thanks and continue to share value each week through email, social media, or letters. Now you’ve got your top 10 goals to help you stay focused, and keep your priorities in order. I love an empty calendar with it’s boxes and open spaces to fill with all different colors of ink with important tasks and good works! Some prefer digital calenders. What works best for you? Create 10 measurable, realistic goals and plug them into your calendar. 3) JOURNAL Each Sunday, review your 2017 Personal Vision Statement, add your Top 10 Goals into your day planner, and make a written assessment of the previous week. Highlight what is going well and not so well. What are some of the solutions you are going to try. Our journals become like a personal Bible, filled with wisdom from the experiences we gain day by day. If you don’t document your journey, the little details fade away in a blur (many of which may be our sweetest blessings.) If you can make time to journal daily, you may want to answer these questions: What are 3 of Today’s Blessings? What Act(s) of Kindness did I do? What was something I learned today? Onward & upwards dear friends in elevating global happiness by becoming the best you can be and making this world a better place. Remember, it is in our relationships that we find our greatest happiness! iF Magazine | 25