International Dealer News IDN 119 June/July 2014 | Page 11

STATZONE JAPANESE EXPORTS IN EUROPE: While it remains to be seen what macro-economic impacts lie ahead for Europe in the context of the increasing concerns surrounding deflationary pressures, it is to be hoped that these latest Japanese manufacturer statistics do not contradict prior analyst forecasts that their dealers have seen nine years of decline stabilising. MARCH, APRIL 2014 +17.6 +19.46 2013 5,000 MOTORC MOTORCYCLES CYCLES S 13,847 13,637 19,953 16,627 19,179 16,055 UNITS 10,000 TOTAL PTWs L PTWs T -1.86 14,563 +1.54 15,000 MOTORC MOTORCYCLES CYCLES S MARCH 2014 14.292 20,000 TOTAL PTW L PTWs T APRIL Italian market sees third month of growth ITALY MARCH, APRIL 2014 25,000 2013 +8.95 2014 20,000 +28.91 5,000 18,539 17,997 10,000 20,198 15,000 13,961 in September last year, and while the historically most important months in Italy (May, June and July) will determine whether or not the market there really has turned a corner, the March and April figures are particularly encouraging. In 2013, sales were down by 25.5 percent for the full year, following a 19.04 percent decline in 2012. If the market continues to see an average monthly growth of around 10 percent for the remainder of the year, then Italy’s motorcycle sales will have recovered from last year’s 153,863 units to something in the region of 170,000 units. UNITS FOR the first time since the downturn started to bite, the Italian market has seen motorcycle sales grow for three consecutive months. In April this year, sales were up by 8.95 percent at 20,198 units (from 18,539 units in April 2013), having been up by 28.91 percent in March this year (17,997 units compared to 13,961 in March 2013), and, as previously reported, up by 10.25 percent in February. For the year-to-date, motorcycle sales in Italy have totalled 56,547 units (compared to 50,649 for the first four months of 2013), which puts the market up a total of 11.64 percent for the first four months of the year. Like many others, the Italian market started to see the rate of decline in new motorcycle sales bottom out MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES MARCH APRIL Spanish market continues upward trend SPANISH REGISTRATIONS - Year-to-Date SPANISH REGISTRATIONS - MAY 2013 - 2014 14,000 2013 +13.45 2014 +14.37 11,126 9,728 8,000 12,399 10,000 10,929 UNITS 12,000 6,000 PTWs Motorcycles 2013 - 2014 50,000 +17.02 2013 +20.11 2014 40,000 41,383 34,453 20,000 46,607 30,000 39,827 While the (surprisingly) small moped market in Spain remains sluggish (-3.3 percent for the first five months of this year at 5,031 units), there was growth of 6 percent in May. The total PTW registration figures for Spain therefore reflect the strength of motorcycle sales with April being 12.9 percent up on April of 2013 (at 10,765 units), and May being 13.5 percent up at 12,399 units. For the year-to-date, total PTW registrations are up 17.0 percent at 46,607 units (compared to 39,827 for the first five months of 2013). Jose Maria Riano, Secretary General of ANESDOR, said that “the motorcycle market continued to improve in April, and that growth has been sustained through May as the most important sales months of the year in Spain. The main reason is the improved economic situation, but better weather so far this year has also played a part. “ANESDOR also believes that the time, cost and emissions savings offered by PTWs as a favourable urban transport solution are positive messages that are gaining increasing recognition with consumers in UNITS SPANISH motorcycle trade association ANESDOR has released motorcycle and moped registration data for April and May this year that shows the growth trend in Spain first seen late last year continuing. Motorcycle registrations in Spain in April were up by 17.8 percent (9,807 units, from 8,337 in April 2013), and up by 14.4 percent (to 11,126 units) in May, with year-todate market performance up 20.1 percent at 41,383 units from the 34,453 seen for the first five months of 2013. 10,000 PTWs Motorcycles Spain, and as a trade association we plan to market these advantages heavily in the coming months.” ANESDOR is marketing the advantages of motorcycles as a “5 star solution” – pointing to their five primary advantages … up to 70 percent reduction in travel time, ease of parking, cost savings compared to automotive solutions, lower fuel consumption with greater energy efficiency and reduced emissions. INTERNATIONAL DEALER NEWS - JUN/JUL 2014 11