think about the investments . This becomes a situation where we think about the people and the company . We know that Europe and USA will not come to support the defence of Ukraine . " We understand that the head of Russia is not too much concerned about sanctions from the West . What is lost from sanctions , will be compensated by the acquisition of new assets . This is not a political message or a jab at the Russian leader . We don ' t waste our time with those matters , because it will not help us in this situation . " Today , our staff came to work , and we made sprockets . Tomorrow , we will come to work and make more sprockets , and we will continue doing that as long as there is metal , energy and people . During these years , Supersprox has worked hard to deliver innovation , quality and brand recognition . Much of that created here in Ukraine , by our staff . " We have seen that the disputed territory in Eastern Ukraine suffered badly after the occupation by separatists . Our job now is to try and avoid the same situation in our region . Time will tell if Supersprox is destined to continue to be a player in the motorcycle market . The political chess game has little regard for pawns . " From the company that invented dual material sprockets in 2000 , forged blank technology in 2018 and pioneered aluminium sprockets in the 1970s , we thank our partners and clients for their support , and we have hope that this situation will not spread across borders . It is still our belief that we can work to save the company ." www . supersprox . com