International Dealer News 165 Feb/Mar 2022 IDN165 Feb/Mar 2022 | Page 8

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Letter from Ukraine

DJ Maughfling
Introduction by Robin Bradley Most people will be familiar with the Supersprox name , one of the market ' s premier sprocket brands . Many may realise that Supersprox is a multinational operation , with interests in Italy , Poland , Czechia and manufacturing in Ukraine - around 150 km west of the capital Kyiv . On Tuesday February 24th , the day that Russia started to invade Ukraine for the second time in recent history , I received a call around midday from ' DJ ' Maughfling at Supersprox . DJ is an excellent character and a hard working , honourable man - a proverbial ' good guy ' and a good friend to us here at IDN .
I had emailed him that morning to check in with him and see how things were - given the events that the world had woken up to that morning - and he called me back a little while later . I asked him to write something of what he had told me about the environment and atmosphere at work in Ukraine that day , and if it would be okay to share his thoughts with all of you . This is what ' DJ ' said … " The world seems to be in a confused state these days . Lives revolve around the internet as a provider of our news . We flip through stories of famine , murder , genocide and cute dogs and cats . There is such a bombardment of images and sound bites . It is hard to really feel attachment to what is shown