International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 73
Transforms [16], Performance and Cost Evaluation of an
Adaptive Encryption Architecture for Cloud Database
Services [17], How to Compute with Data You Can’t See [18],
Efficient Format Preserving Encrypted Databases [19],
Facilitating Secure Query Processing on Encrypted Databases
on the Cloud [20], A 3DES ASIC Implementation with
Feedback Path in the CBC Mode [21].
and several slave clouds; the algorithms used support the
queries of the users; they are: Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES), Order-Preserving Encryption (OPE), Homomorphic
Encryption (HOM), Search and Deterministic Encryption;
they also use a proxy to perform: encryption, decryption,
creation, insertion, query analysis and retrieval of results; they
also reviewed the total delay in ms per SQL request; they
results showed that the scheme gives greater security with
acceptable delays [10], the authors propose the ERSA
algorithm which is an improvement of the RSA algorithm,
where they added two prime numbers for the generation of
keys; the size of the key changes to increase the complexity of
the decryption; they used an equation proposed by another
work to calculate the size of the block; the encryption and
decryption indexes such as: speed, time and average speed,
improve by dividing the files into blocks that will be
encrypted; these indices are superior to the RSA algorithm
[11], for protection of the database in the cloud, a watermark
algorithm of database authentication is proposed; here the
database is encrypted with an OPE scheme for content
protection; the algorithm does not lose data in the OPE
application; it can also detect manipulations with the
combination of cryptography algorithm, DCT and watermark
quantification [12], the author proposes a scheme called
cipher text policy attribute –based encryption CP-ABE for a
secure system of data exchange when saving them in the
cloud; for key management, it uses a two-part computing
protocol (2PC) between the KGC key generation center and
the data storage center; cryptography is applied for the
confidentiality and privacy of the data; the management of
membership and revocation of the user is entrusted to the data
storage center; the author concludes that the proposed scheme
is efficient and scalable [13], with the aim of securing digital
images through watermark; the authors propose an algorithm
which decomposes the original image into a geometric
structure and texture through a polynomial decomposition
model; applies Discrete Cosine Transform DCT to strengthen
the quality of the image, with a formula inserts the watermark
in the DCT coefficients, the result is the watermarked image;
they achieved better results in robustness and imperceptibility
of the inserted watermark, in relation to other existing
methods [14], for to protect the DDB against spies, the
authors propose a secure coding scheme and the Private
Information Retrieval PIR scheme; they propose a first
scenario with a database algorithm without coordination,
where each database does not know the indexes of the secret
actions stored in the other database; the second scenario in
presented with an algorithm for the database with
coordination, where each database knows the indexes of the
actions in other databases; with the test they conclude that the
PIR rates are within a constant multiplicative gap [15], the
authors propose an ECG steganography architecture based on
Curve let transform to hide medical information from patients;
to transmit it in frequency sub-bands according to a numbers
of scales, then they are extracted when the watermark process
is reversed; the architecture has three components; threshold
selection, watermark incrustation and watermark extraction;
they conclude that as the size of the data increases, the
performance is reduced, but its invisibility is maintained [16],
for to protect the public database in the cloud, the authors
propose a new architecture; they adopted encryption
techniques without using an intermediate server, with a level
of security and confidentiality for the data, where they can
perform SQL operations; they also have security schemes that
The deductive method and exploratory research is used to
analyze of the reference articles.
The result is a basic scheme based on a three-level
architecture, with 3DES encryption algorithm applied to the
request and response; SQL-based encryption for data
manipulation; FPE encryption algorithm for storage in the
database. The scheme is presented with its scope and possible
limitations; besides obtaining an abstract algorithm expressed
with flowchart techniques.
It is concluded that basic scheme and abstract algorithm
presented as an alternative to control access to resources, by
adopting an architecture and encryption algorithms, it gives
reasonable security to a database in a distributed environment.
In a first instance in Materials, some security works for
DDB were reviewed. In the second instance in Methods, a
basic scheme was proposed to manage the security.
A. Materials
For to improve the security measures and the performance
of the data warehouse; the authors propose a model based on
ETL Data Warehouse with six fragmented steps; they
designed and incorporated the DNA Translation
cryptographic algorithm, which is in the architecture of the
data warehouse with a drawer model of two levels of security,
interconnected with each other; the algorithm begins in the
transition from the Operational Data Store to the Data Vault
and then in the transition from Data Vault to Data Mart; they
affirm a reduction of the time of access, in addition they
consider the recovery of the necessary data of the Data Vault
[7], the authors present a data security algorithm for text
messages, based on a circular queue data structure for the
encryption and decryption process; variable factors are
applied such as: numbers of rotations, size of circular queue,
start of keyword, these variables make it difficult for the spy
to decipher; in the process of encryption and decryption the
Fibonacci sequence is used; with this algorithm it is planned
to encrypt other types of data such as images, voice and video
[8], for to have secure transactions in DDB, when dealing
with policy inconsistency with inconsistency access problems
and inconsistencies of user credentials; the authors propose an
orthogonal encryption algorithm to store messages on the
server; where policies are updated at specific intervals, when a
user requests a resource, the transaction manager sends the
transaction and prepares the responses; the hash value is given
by the HMAC Algorithm to verify the reliability of the request;
to protect the archive of records against hackers, log
protection techniques are applied; the algorithm helps the
server to preserve the published services intact [9], for to
avoid the invasion of cloud providers in the owner database,
the authors propose a combination of encryption algorithms
and a fragmentation technique; where public clouds are
master clouds that have an encrypted replica of the database