International Core Journal of Engineering 2020-26 | Page 72

2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing (AIAM) Analysis of Security Algorithms for a Distributed Database Segundo Moisés Toapanta Toapanta Department of Computer Science Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Guayaquil, Ecuador [email protected] Máximo Giovani Tandazo Espinoza Department of Computer Science Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Guayaquil, Ecuador [email protected] Félix Gustavo Mendoza Qumí Daniel Humberto Plúa Moran Department of Computer Science Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Guayaquil, Ecuador [email protected] Department of Computer Science Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Guayaquil, Ecuador [email protected] Luis Enrique Mafla Gallegos María del Rocío Maciel Arellano Faculty of Systems Engineering Escuela Politécnica Nacional Quito, Ecuador [email protected] CUCEA-UDG Universidad de Guadalajara Guadalajara, México [email protected] The data protection is one of the main security challenges in the cloud that uses databases in a distributed environment [5], the databases seek to guarantee the following services: confidentiality, authentication, reliability and elastic scalability [6]. Abstract—We analyzed the security of a database considering the environment of distributed systems, there are several security mechanisms that are applied to the different types of data that are saved; this research identifies several problems for mitigating the security of a distributed database. The objective is to define a basic scheme and an abstract algorithm through algorithms using flowchart techniques for a security process in a DDB. The deductive method and the exploratory investigation were used to analyze the information of the articles of the reference. It resulted in a basic structure based on a three-level architecture, with 3DES encryption algorithm applied to the request and response; SQL-based encryption for data processing; FPE encryption algorithm for storage in the database; the scheme was presented with its scope and possible limitations; and a prototype of an abstract algorithm expressed with flowchart techniques was obtained. It was concluded that the basic scheme and abstract algorithm presented as an alternative to control access to resources, to provide improved security in a distributed database. For to mitigate the attacks or raise the levels of security in a DDB there are certain mechanisms such as: cryptographic techniques, biometric methodologies, genetic algorithms, rapid response code mechanisms, and steganography, watermark and data integrity algorithms. Why is it necessary to perform an analysis of security algorithms for a distributed database? For to propose a security alternative in a distributed database, which should protect the data against inappropriate operations at the time of request, processing and response. The objective is to define a basic scheme and an abstract algorithm through flowchart techniques for a security process in a DDB. Keywords—Distributed database, security algorithms, algorithm flowcharts, data security, security of the information The articles reviewed and related to security mechanisms or techniques for DDB are: I. I NTRODUCTION Design and Implementation of Proposed Drawer Model Based Data Warehouse Architecture Incorporating DNA Translation Cryptographic Algorithm for Security Enhancement [7], A Data Structure Encryption Algorithm Based on Circular Queue to Enhance Data Security [8], Enhanced Security and Authentication Mechanism in Cloud Transactions Using HMAC [9], Improving Database Security in Cloud Computing by Fragmentation of Data [10], Enhanced RSA Algorithm with Varying Key Sizes for Data Security in Cloud [11], Database Authentication Watermarking Scheme in Encrypted Domain [12], Improving Security and Efficiency in Attribute-Based Data Sharing [13], A New Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Wavelet Transform [14], Private Information Retrieval for Secure Distributed Storage Systems [15], Fast Discrete Curvelet In a Distributed Database (DDB) the data is read, processed and saved from or to different places; through the application the user accesses the data transparently and the transaction can access data stored in various places [1], DDBs help in the storage and processing of voice, video and data, which are increasing [2], in the last decade, applications such as social networks, electronic health, electronic businesses, smart networks have generated data and much more with cloud computing [3], the public services computing where DDB is used, has grown with great interest and is on the way to being a popular service model such as water, electricity, gas and telephony; in there services the security and privacy of data is important and tools are offered to mitigate denial of services attacks [4]. 978-1-7281-4691-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE DOI 10.1109/AIAM48774.2019.00017 50