International Class Magazine 1 | Page 8


In Europe, education has not been always, as we know it right now. Between the 20th century and the 21st century, in Europe it was an instability period when there were many changes in different levels, social, political, economic and educational. All this changes, influenced the way the education was conceived and it ends up with uprising of new educational and methodological methods.

In the 20th century, education stated to be considered as a science in the field of sociology and psychology and therefore data was used in educational research. The main goals of this period are; to make education universal, so all children can go to school and be educated; to give a high education quality to everyone, it does not matter if you come from a wealthy or poor family, there are some minimums that everyone has to achieve; and to use different interest and subjects, the 21st century society has changed and so the interest and needs of its population, therefore, the school has to change, too.

As I have said before, the education is within the psychology field and thus, some new study branches appeared such as special needs education.

In addition, different psychologist, such as Vygotski, Piaget, Ausubel or Goleman, who studied children’s development, contributed to increase the educational and pedagogical knowledge.

The main changes in education during the 20th-2st century are the followings:

- the school is compulsory for all children

- the aim if educations shift from memorization to deep understanding

- the teacher is no longer the center of the education, and now, this is the student role

- the school is a right every child has without taking into account his/her status

- In 1970 Benjamin Bloom created the Bloom’s Taxonomy as a tool to evaluate the level complexity of an activity.