Intergumentary System May. 2014 | Page 9

7.Do these diseases affect other systems?

“Common diseases such as acne and athlete's foot , but diseases like malignant melanoma it can affect other systems because it is a cancer and if it not treated properly can affect other organs.”

8.Does surgery help cure skin diseases?

“If diseases such as malignant melanoma can be removed with surgery would help to reduce the possibility of spreading to other systems.”

9.At what age does skin diseases affects more people?

“It depends, acne affects young kids during puberty, athlete's foot affects youth and adults beginning at age 15 to about age 60

And burns and cancer affect babies all the way to old people.”

10.What diseases do viruses and fungi form?

“By fungi is athlete's foot and micosis

By viruses, varicella and rubella”

Integumentary System Video

Watch this vdeo and learn more about the diseases affecting the Intergumentary System.