Intergumentary System May. 2014 | Page 8

Balance: Health and diseases

Interview with an expert

1.What are the most common diseases of the integumentary system?

“The most common diseases of the integumentary system include acne, athlete's foot, burns, dermatitis, chickenpox and skin cancer”

2.Are there critical illnesses?

“Yes, one of them is psoriasis.”

3.What are the symptoms?

“Depends on the disease are example acne is crust formation in the skin, redness around the rash and blackheads.”

4.How I can protect my integumentary system?

“To protect it is very simple, first of all not been expose to much to the sun, use sunscreen , take vitamins E and C , take a bath with warm water, not to hot or to cold and eat healthy diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables .”

5.What I have to do to avoid these diseases ?

“There are naturally emerging diseases such as acne, for this you need to wash your face 3 times a day with soap and water , or as the problem becomes more serious , buy some creams , and wipes for your face. And if it is another type of illness, such as burns, skin cancer, and malignant melanoma as there is no way to prevent it, burns need a specialized care , such as applications of creams and sometimes is needed skin grafts, and for malignant melanoma chemotherapy and surgery is needed.”

6What products are recommended?

“The products will recommended depending on the disease, if for acne is very mild, neutral soap but if it is something stronger , some products like Asepxia or Neutrogena would be needed and if it is very serious and will prescribe medication.”

The reason we chose him because he has knowledge about the topic, even though he is not specialized in the field he learn about it and it was very simply to him to tell us about the system and answer our questions.