Intergumentary System May. 2014 | Page 4



Composed of fibrous connective epithelium.

Hypodermis: Composed of connective tissue and fat. Contains hair follicle roots, blood vessels, and nerves, as well as adipose.


Is composedof stratified squamous epithelium.

Hair Shaft: forms the bulk of the hair and gives it its color.

Sweat Gland Pore: Any of various glands in the dermis of the skin that open into a hair follicle and produce and secrete sebum.

Stratum Corneum: keeps molecules from passing into and out of the skin

Capillary: the site where oxygen and other nutrients in the blood are actually delivered to the tissues of the body.

Stratum Basale: renew the epidermal cells.

Basal Lamina: maintaining tissue-specific specialized function as well as modulating cell and tissue function during growth and development

Touch Receptor: form neuronal fiber nets around the base of hairs.