Intelligent Social Media Marketing 1 | Page 20

products , and marketing efforts to find out what works and build your own version . With the right research you ’ ll be able to know what the competition is doing differently and how you can do it better .
5 . Create buyer personas :
You are now ready to outline the different groups of buyers that will dictate your marketing and sales processes . Before you start promoting yourself further , you need to establish your buyer personas and what is important to them . Create an incredibly detailed storyline surrounding your buyer persona and what this person ’ s motivations are . The more detail you include , the more likely you will be to target this specific audience while you put in place your personal brand strategy .
Once you ’ ve done your research and created your buyer personas , you will be able to identify potential opportunities so you can create a game plan that will guide leads through your sales funnel . Remember , targeting is an ongoing process that needs to be re-evaluated regularly in order to stay up-to-date with the audience with whom you want to connect .
Murray Newlands
Intelligent Social Media Marketing www . kacharagadla . in