Kuwaiti government regulator
welcomes AWS’s launch of a
Middle East Region
Amazon Web Services
(AWS) has announced
the opening of the new
Bahrain region which is
enabling customers to
innovate faster and run
workloads from data
centres located in the
Middle East.
Kuwaiti government regulator
has welcomed the new AWS
infrastructure region in the Middle
East. The Communication and Information
Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA),
which is responsible for the country’s IT
sector and technology adoption in the
government, has welcomed the launch of
the new AWS Middle East Region in Bahrain
as an important step in the security of
cloud computing. underlines the important location of the
Middle East as a centre to the global data
movement worldwide.
Salem Muthib Al-Athainah, Chairman and
CEO of CITRA, said: “We welcome the launch
of the new AWS Middle East Region as
an important step in bringing reliable and
secure cloud computing technologies closer
to end-users in the Middle East. This launch “Our significant work with AWS supports
CITRA’s strategy of transforming Kuwait into
a regional ICT hub, and the digitisation of
the Kuwaiti economy, and we look forward
to continue to build on that while leveraging
the new AWS Middle East Region in Bahrain.”
“The presence of the AWS Middle East
Region opens up new prospects for
companies and government organisations
to serve customers in the region,
contributing to the enhancement of
infrastructure, digitisation, connectivity and
customer experience.