Intelligent CIO Kuwait Issue 4 | Page 21

A PUBLICATION Providing Unparalleled Technology Intelligence ISSUE 04 // Company honoured Mada (Kuwait) recognised for wireless technology work Cloud security Regulator welcomes AWS’s launch of a Middle East Region Industrial security Tackling cyber- risks in oil and gas infrastructure Steering automation EdgeVerve Systems is leading Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait’s automation journey utilising AssistEdge Robotic Process Automation. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS | LATEST INTELLIGENCE | REGIONAL IMPLEMENTATIONS EDITOR’S NOTE W elcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO Kuwait magazine. We all know exactly how important the oil industry is to Kuwait. However, perhaps what is surprising is its vulnerability to cyberattack. Despite the industry making up nearly half of the country’s GDP and around 95% of its exports, maintaining the cybersecurity of oil refineries represents some of the most challenging work available in the IT sector. Indeed, there are significant cyber-risks facing oil and gas infrastructures that need to be overcome in the current climate that looks as if it is set to get worse. With connectivity and data business-critical to the industry and production downtime not only impacting the bottom line but also worker safety, the picture looks a bleak one. This is because of the challenges represented by plans to modernise plant infrastructures with new, connected IoT and automation systems. Of course, such developments should in themselves be welcomed as they bring many advantages. However, the downside is they enlarge the attack surface with the potential of presenting new and potentially lucrative opportunities to cybercriminals. While we urge you not to have nightmares, it’s well worth getting better informed about the issue and you can start by turning to page 42. As usual we have the latest news from around the region and your favourite features. If you would like to be included in the magazine feel free to email me at [email protected] and don’t forget to visit for daily updates. On a more upbeat note, this edition we feature a case study focusing on how Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) is benefiting from its work with EdgeVerve Systems, a subsidiary of Infosys, to steer its automation journey. The bank is doing this utilising AssistEdge Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and in an exclusive interview with the bank’s Group Chief Operating Officer, Somnath Menon, we get the full lowdown on ABK’s strategy to transition to the next level of innovation and technology in banking. Mark Bowen Editor He tells us that the bank’s automation journey has enabled it to migrate repetitive tasks to the digital workforce and reskill staff to deliver more value-added activities. You can find out more by turning to page 37. INTELLIGENTCIO 21