INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 86

53. Do you help your child gain self-confidence, so that he/she will be able to face the tasks that life puts in front of him/her? 1 2 3 4 54. Do you talk to your child about his/her future job or studies? 1 2 3 4 55. Do you help your child orient on the issues needed in order to gain what he/she wants to achieve by means of different tutorials and job advises? 1 2 3 4 Sum up all the points. The result will show how supportive towards your child you are. The closer the number to 210 (the highest amount of points), the more supportive you are. And the less points you have gained, the less supportive you are. It is not easy to be a supportive parent who supports his/her child’s hobbies. Sometimes we do not have time for our child, we are tired or get angry easily. But we should remember that being supportive towards our child, helping him/her to develop his/her skills his/her hobbies will not only allow him/her to succeed but also live in accordance with his/her beliefs and self-fulfill. Based on the book by Barbara Lipnicka “Kształtowanie zdolności i talentu dziecka” („Shaping child’s abilities and talent”). The tool constructed in the form of a test makes the tested person think about his/her opinions and attitudes. The person who does the test finds his/her own weaknesses and strengths. he/she knows what are the things they should pay attention to, which behaviours should be promoted and which demand certain correction. Clear questions also give the ideas on which behaviours should parent establish.