Appendix 1e: How do I organise my free time? – a student’s survey.
My free time
(as the time you have for yourself after you have fulfilled school duties)
The survey is anonymous and it is about the forms of activities you take up in your spare time.
Read the questions carefully and mark honest answers with an X.
1. Sex:
♀ …………………………………
2. How much free time do you have on a normal school day?
1 – 2 hours
3- 4 hours
4 – 5 hours More than 5 hours
3. How much free time do you have at the weekend?
1 - 2 hours
3- 4 hours
4 – 5 hours More than 5 hours
4. What do you do in your free time? (You can mark more than one answer).
I rest
I broaden my
I have fun, play.
I spend time
I spend time
passion, hobbies.
with my family. with friends.
5. How often do you…
Watch TV?
Read books/magazines/ articles?
Do sport?
Work in your interests, hobbies?
Meet your friends?
Do shopping?
Play computer games?
Very often