INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 75

13. Have you ever: Mark the answer with an X Nerver Once A lot of times Almost everyday Played truant Smoked cigarettes Drunk alcohol Taken some drugs Acted violently Stolen or extorted anything 14.Your school results are: a) b) c) d) Very good Good Average Less than average 15. What would you like to change at school? a) Evaluating system b) The ways of teaching c) Your relationship with the teachers d) Your relationship with your classmates/schoolmates e) The equipment (didactical means) f) Nothing g) Your answer: ……………………………………………………………………. The survey gives information about the way each student sees himself/herself at school. It gives the greater picture of the school, it’s conditions, the level of motivation and the influence it has on the individual. The survey shows how and to what extend the school shapes the student’s results and progres. Some of the answers might be disturbing (eg. no 14) and will require further, deeper analysis, conversation and maybe intervention.