The tool is a great source of information about the way each student sees
himself/herself at school. It can be an inspiration and the basis to a discussion on the topic of
the way the students function at school and the way they perceive the school.
Appendix 1b:
„Me at school”
Dear student!
The questionnaire is anonymous and its purpose is to acquire an information on how you feel
in your school.
Class: ………………………. Sex : boy
1. Do you like going to your school?
No Sometimes
2. My school is a place which is: (you can choose more than one answer)
Nice Cheerful Calm
Stressful Menacing
3. What do you like the most in our school? Mark all the answers you agree with.
there are teachers who lead the lessons in interesting way
the majority of teachers is nice and kind towards students
the majority of teachers gives fair grades to the students
I have good friends at school
I feel comfortable with my classmates
The school organizes interesting events and classes
My class teacher is nice
The atmosphere is nice, I like coming to my school
There are a lot of interesting events organised
We get all the information that is important
The school is calm and safe
My school has other advantages, eg.…………………………………………………………
4. What do you dislike the most in our school? Mark all the answers you agree with.
There are too many prohibitions.
The teachers are in hurry, they do not have time to listen to the students.
We sometimes do not get the information that we need