Perfectionist– perfectionist is focused on an actual effect- he or she wants the task to
be completed on time and be as good as possible; the perfectionist can be difficult to work
with as he or she does not like coincidence and often focuses on the details that are not the
most necessary to complete the task. The perfectionist is always aware of the aim of the work.
Features: anxious, tense, introvert, disciplined.
The specialist’s role
In her latest works, Meredith Belbin has proposed one more constructive group role to
consider- the role of Specialist. If your test results show that you do not take one specific
group role, you should do another, additional test. Read the following statements and think to
what extent they are true for you. Count the points you give to each answer.
a) Very high- 5 points
b) High- 4 points
c) Average/ medium- 3 points
d) Little- 2 points
e) Very little- 1 point
1. I never stop learning when I work
2. I believe that a promotion to a managing post makes the workers lose the pleasure of
working as a specialist who knows his/her subject area best.
3. Sometimes I think that group work can be done by one person.
4. I think it os better to know everything about one thing than to know a little about a lot
of things.
5. My work is fascinating for me.
6. I am eager to sacrifice my free time in order to develop at work.
7. I believe I chose the job I love and I forget about the whole world when I am working.
If you get more than 28 points, it means you take the role of the Specialist when it comes to
working in the group.
Specialist- the specialist often takes care on a small part of work. He or she focuses on
technical details. The specialist is very devoted to the task completion. He or she is focused
on the aim, committed, self-propelling. The specialist holds the knowledge and skills that
might be rare and very valuable. He or she might not see the whole picture and focus just on a
narrow range of his/her own actions. The specialist might feel he is a consultant responsible
for a specific area.