INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 61

Appendix: A questionnaire: „My role in a group” by M. Belbin. Fill the below questionnaire the following way: 1) You have 10 points for each part out of seven parts of the questionnaire. You can assign them to only one statement that describes your behaviour in a group or divide the points into few of them. 2) Write your answers on the answer sheet. Part 1 I think that in a group: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) I quickly spot new possibilities and I know how to use them, I can work very well with different people, „producing” ideas is my natural ability, my strength is about the ability to get what is the best out of the people and make them work to fulfil the group’s aims and tasks my main ability is about finishing what I have started and is connected to effectiveness I’m able to accept the fact of not being popular for a while if it leads to valuable outcomes, I can usually sense what is realistic and possible in terms of achieving success, I am usually able to propose an alternative solution without any prejudice. Part II If there are any faults in a group, it is because: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) I cannot calm down unless the meeting is well- organised, controlled and properly led. I tend to be generous for people whose brilliant ideas were not thought well enough. I tend to talk too much when the groups is working on new ideas. My dry critique makes it difficult for me to join my colleagues in their eagerness and enthusiasm. Sometimes I am perceived as too bossy and authoritarian when something needs to be done. It is difficult for me to be a „first line” leader as I feel too responsible for the atmosphere among the group. I tend to think about the things that come to my mind at the exact moment and I forget what is going on. My colleagues perceive me as the one who worries too much about the details and the possibility of failure.