The below appendixes will allow the teacher to see the whole picture of the class . They can be used during the lessons with the form teacher . The way the students perceive themselves individually , their classmates and their role in the group will be a valuable source of information for the form teacher . The results will allow to see the problems that might occur in a specific age group and they will be a great source of knowledge in terms of necessary information about the problem solving methods that can be used . The below tools will inspire the students to further play . Source : Agnieszka Szymańska , Ilona Stasiołek .
Appendix 1a , „ Me in the class ”
Imagine that the person in the centre is you . You are encircled by three circles , they are for your classmates . It is up to you who you are going to place in the circles . The people who are the closest are your most trusted friends . You willingly spend time with them and you have a lot of things to talk about together . The classmates that you put in the second circle are the people you know , but they are not close to you and they are not too important for you . The third circle is for people you don ’ t know or don ’ t like .
Think carefully and write the names / nicknames of your classmates in the circles .