based on the partial diagnosis
The area of functioning
The description of a
functioning of a child in a
specific area
Strong points
Weak points
The needs of the child
based on the diagnosis
of a child in a specific
Overall fitness
(gross motor skills)
Hands dexterity
(fine motor skills)
Senses and sensory integration
Communication and articulation
Cognitive sphere
(school techniques mastery, the range
of the acquired knowledge,
achievements and difficulties, memory,
attention, thinking)
Emotional- motivational sphere
Social area
Independence and ability to
Special abilities
Health- taken medicine
The tool helps to gather specific information about the student- his/her achievements,
the way he/she functions at school, among peers. The tool should be used systematically, once
per term. It allows to summarise the level of functioning of the student and is a valuable
source of information about the level of student’s knowledge, his/her skills and the way the
student functions concerning different areas. Source: The tool has been created by the School
Centre of Psychological-Pedagogical Support of Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 30 im. Adama
Mickiewicza w Łodzi.