INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 53

Honesty No Rath er no Rathe r yes Yes Does the student appreciate the meaning of trust among people?     Is the student reliable and conscientious?     3 Does the student respect his/her time and the time of those who work with him/her?     4 Can the student know the difference between the people who are trustworthy and those who are not?     Does the student know the difference between good and evil according to the standards present in his/her surroundings.     Is the student able to choose one option in difficult and ambiguous situations?     Manners No Rath er no Rathe r yes Yes Is the student considerate and kind towards others?     2 Does the student understand the differences between the people that come from different abilities and needs?     3 Is the student able to listen to the opinion of other people?     Does the student follow the rules of cultural speech?     5 Does the student follow the rules of discussion?     6 Is the student able to use the cultural heritage and show respect for the national symbols and traditions?     Self- assessment No Rath er no Rathe r yes Yes Is the student able to assess his/her abilities?     Does the student have a proper level of self-assessment?     Is the student aware of the fact that there are different value systems follower in the world?     1 2 5 6 1 4 1 2 3