INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 40

A test to find out what is your learning style
1 . When you meet someone new , what are the first things you pay attention to ? a ) the appearance and the way the person is dressed b ) what the person says , in what manner , what is his / her voice like c ) how you feel about that person d ) how does he / she behave , what he / se does
2 . What do you remember the most after few days after you meet someone new ? a ) the person ' s face b ) the person ’ s name , c ) your emotions , what you felt in the presence of the person even if you don ’ t remember his / her face or name
3 . When you enter a place that you do not know , what are the first things you pay attention to ? a ) its appearance b ) the sounds and conversations inside c ) how well you feel inside ( both emotionally and physically ) d ) what is going on inside and what you can do inside
4 . When you learn something new what is the most pleasant way for you ? a ) when the teacher gives you something new to read ( on paper or a blackboard ), shows you the book , pictures , charts , maps , etc . And you do not have to write or say anything b ) when the teacher explains everything in a form of a lecture and allows you to discuss different things and ask questions and you do not have to read anything , look at anything or write anything down . c ) when the teacher allows you to make notes or draw pictures , touch the things , write down and do something manually d ) when the teacher allows you to do projects , simulations , experiments , roleplay or take part in other activities involving movement .
5 . When you teach others , what do you usually do ? a ) you give them something to see , for example , some object , illustration , a diagram and you only give them a short verbal explanation or you don ’ t give the explanation at all , allowing ( or not ) a short discussion b ) you explain everything verbally without showing anything , c ) you draw , write something or use your hands to explain , d ) you demonstrate something or you tell your students to do it with you .
6 . What kind of books do you read most often ? a ) the books that include a lot of description that helps to understand the plot b ) the books that include historical facts , a lot of information and description c ) the books about the characters ' feelings and emotions d ) short action- packed books or the books that help you develop your skills , talents and hobbies