11. Does learning make you happy?
a. yes, very much
b. rather yes
c. I study because I have to.
d. rather not
e. definitely no.
12. How many years after graduating the secondary school do you plan to
13. What job do you plan to do after you finish your education?.................................................
14. What foreign languages have you studied before you came to this school? Mark the
languages you studied and write how many years you have been learning.
a. English
b. French
c. German
d. Russian
e. Other (what language?) …………………………….
15. Did you participate in any subject competitions?
a. Yes, I was a prizewinner of a voivodeship stage of more than one subject
competition............................................................... .
b. Yes, I was a prizewinner of a voivodeship stage of one subject
c. Yes, of .........................................., but I ended it on regional stages
d. Yes, of ........................................, but I ended on a school stage
e. No, I haven’t participated in any competitions.
The given answers will allow us to determine the skills, abilities, motivation and
conditions to study of every child. What is more, they will show us a subjective way each
student sees himself/herself.
A thorough and detailed analysis of students’ knowledge and skills in specific fields
should be done by the teachers who teach particular subjects by the means of subject entry