M r . S . K C h a n d r a s o m
F o r m e r D i s t r i c t S e c r e t a r y , M a t a r a
I am proud to be the Chairman of INDECOS since it ' s inception in 1991 . There have been a large number of target populations served with the support of leaders , international donors and the government of Sri Lanka .
We have gained a great satisfaction through implementing important community projects in Southern Province of Sri Lanka . I wish to indicate my sincere gratitude to funding partners , Asia Foundation , Helping Hands of Sweden and iRoad who supported INDECOS in 2016 .
I appreciate the contribution made by Uniterra WUSC including Ms . Lakshya Dhungana , Ms . Linda Bui , Ms . Caroline Nevin , and Ms . Robin Shufelt , and all staff members of INDECOS who work with high dedication and commitment to the organization .
I know that INDECOS will definitely expand and begin innovative projects in 2017 . I want to give my best wishes to the INDECOS in the future .
M r . S . K C h a n d r a s o m
I N D E C O S C h a i r m a n
F o r m e r D i s t r i c t S e c r e t a r y , M a t a r a