Inspirit Magazine December 2013 | Page 44

Sweet potatoes

Here's a whole new reason to give thanks: With more nutrients than their colorless cousin, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of the antioxidant lycopene, which improves mood by preventing the formation of pro-inflammatory compounds, like interleukin-6, that are linked to depression, says Melinda R. Ring, MD, Medical Director of Integrative Medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Sweet spuds are also high in other mood enhancers like B6 and magnesium.


All omega-3 fatty acids are good for you, but when it comes to battling holiday stress, DHA and EPA are the ones you need. Found primarily in fatty fish like salmon, they support healthy brain cell function, endorphin levels, and positive moods by keeping cortisol and adrenaline levels in check, Gomer says. Plus, just one serving of salmon contains more than half of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, which most women fail to meet during the winter because of a lack of sunlight. One University of Texas study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that the lower your blood levels of vitamin D, the greater your chance of having clinical depression.