Inspirit Magazine December 2013 | Page 43


What can't these little nuts do? Almonds are brimming with vitamin E and B vitamins, which may protect both your immune system and mood. A handful of almonds packs about 20% of your daily-recommended intake of magnesium, which fights free radicals in the body. Not getting enough magnesium can even cause fatigue and trigger migraine headaches, says Gomer. And since, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nearly seven out of 10 Americans don't get enough of the nutrient, it's a good bet that low magnesium levels have you on edge.

Grass-fed beef

Happy cows make for truly happy meals. Grass-fed beef contains more omega-3s and fewer omega 6s than its grain-fed counterpart, helping to mediate mood-wrecking inflammation in the body. Plus, it's a great source of the amino acid creatine, which can lift depression in women, according to 2012 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Researchers believe that by increasing the energy available to the brain, creatine may help people better wrap their minds around problems. The result: those problems feel a whole lot smaller.