INSpiREzine O Canada - Maple Leaf Edition | Page 30

H) Hydrofoils

A hydrofoil is a lifting surface that operates in water. Boats that use hydrofoil technology are also called hydrofoils. As a hydrofoil craft gains speed, the hydrofoils lift the boat's hull out of the water, thereby decreasing drag and allowing for greater speeds. Alexander Graham Bell and Casey Baldwin built the first hydrofoil watercraft in 1918.

I) Instant Replay

George Retzlaff, a Toronto-based producer for "Hockey Night in Canada", created a "wet-film" replay of a goal during the 1955-56 hockey season.


JAVA is a general purpose programming language that was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995.

K) Kerosene

In 1846, Abraham Pineo Gesner invented kerosene - a substitute for whale oil for lighting. It was originally distilled from coal.

L) Lacrosse

Lacrosse is the oldest organized sport in North America played by various North American Indigenous communities as early as 1100 CE. The English community around Montreal started playing in the 1830's. In 1856, William George Beers founded the Montreal Lacrosse Club and in 1860 codified the game.